Tomorrow, Sunday 10 August 2014 is the 3rd annual Lcpl Michael Geary Memorial Ride and service. Michael was tragically KIA on 8 December 2010 while serving with the U.S. Marine Corps in Afghanistan. Mike knew at the age of 14 that he wanted to be a MARINE. Nothing could steer him away from his vision. He was so focused on his goal he started to train on his own. He soon had become a Blackbelt in karate and was running close to 10 miles a day. Mike wanted to be as ready as he could for the day he entered boot. He couldn’t wait to get there and show them what he had!
The ride leaves from the VFW 18 Railroad Ave. Derry, NH. @ 10:00am with registration beginning at 8:00am. The ride will be NH State Police escorted and proceed from the VFW to the NH State Veterans Cemetery 110 Daniel Webster Highway, Boscawen, NH for a wreath laying ceremony. The return ride will be via rural roads to to the VFW in Derry for chow and commiseration! There will be numerous door prizes and raffles along with a live band upon our return to the VFW. The weather forecast is looking GREAT, it’s certain to be an AWESOME day Honoring the Memory, Service and Ultimate Sacrifice Michael made in defense of the freedoms we all enjoy. Please see the below ride flyer for additional details.
In addition to the ride we’ll be presenting a Flag Line for Michael’s Memorial Service and Wreath Laying Ceremony at NHSVC. We were privileged to stand in Honor and Respect of Michael during his funeral and interment services on those cold days of December almost 4 years ago. Michael is the nephew of fellow NHPGR member, Bill Geary.
Link to the Lcpl Michael Geary Memorial website
NH State Veterans Cemetery 110 Daniel Webster Highway, Boscawen, NH
Please meet in the maintenance building parking lot. Tall Flags will be available.
Staging: 10:30 AM
Briefing: 10:40 AM
Flag Line: 10:50 AM
Flag Line RC: Paul Baptiste
cell phone (day of mission only) 603-315-3137