As we approach the start of spring we are also coming up on our next Quarterly Board of Directors meeting and our annual elections. The NH Patriot Guard Riders Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the financial and fundraising aspect of the NH PGR’s duties. In accordance with our by-laws most of the positions on our BoD are elected by you, the members and participants of the NH PGR. The positions up for election this year are Treasurer (3 year term) and Member-at-Large (1 year term). Any member of the NH PGR in good standing may nominate another member in good standing, including him or herself. No member will be placed on the ballot until it has been confirmed with the individual that was nominated. Nominations are now open and to nominate a member please send me, Nick Marks, an email with who you would like to nominate and to what position. The nominations will be open from today until midnight on Wednesday, March 23rd.
Voting will be held in person at the Quarterly Board of Directors meeting on Sunday, April 3rd at the Hooksett American Legion @ 11am. Absentee voting will be open following the close of the nomination period, details regarding that will follow.
In addition to our Quarterly BoD meeting we will also be holding our first Membership Meeting. The meeting will also be held on Sunday, April 3rd at the Hooksett American Legion following the BoD Meeting at 1:30 pm. This meeting will give all current or prospective members of the NH PGR a chance to come out and voice their opinion or ask questions. We hope that some of you will come out and join us in shaping the direction of the NH PGR.
Any questions regarding our elections or the upcoming meetings please feel free to contact me.
Nick Marks
State Captain, NH Patriot Guard Riders