I hope everyone had a nice relaxing holiday and and a good new year. As we are approaching the first 15 days of the new year we’ve already had our first BoD meeting of the year and we are starting to look forward to what the upcoming year may bring.
Obviously last year was different, on many fronts, but I can confidently say that even with all of those differences and challenges you as an organization maintained and pushed on. Our mission may have been put on hold for a while, but when called upon everyone stepped up.
As we go into this new year who knows what lies in store for us, what challenges may arise, or new obstacles to overcome. We will continue to plan though, and hope for the best.
Last year we decided to put our charity ride on hold. This was done for a couple of different reasons, this year we are moving forward with hosting it. In a sense the ride this year will be a rebirth, and with a rebirth a few changes. We are looking for volunteers to assist with the planning and execution of the ride to serve on the ride committee. If you would like to volunteer to help out please contact either myself or Mo Shyne @ The first meeting for the ride committee will be held on Sunday, January 31st @ 1:00 pm. The location is TBD.
In addition we are starting a new program to help welcome new members into the organization, whether it’s assisting them on a mission, becoming familiar with the organization or even just navigating the website. We are hoping by doing this we can increase the participation of some of those members that register but are never seen or heard from again. If you would like to volunteer for this new ambassador program please contact me.
Thank you all for what you do for our veterans and your continued support of the organization.
Nick Marks
State Captain
NH Patriot Guard Riders