Save the date!! We will having our 1st Annual Southern Poker Run to benefit the NH Veterans Home at the Hudson VFW on Saturday, September 13 with the raindate being held on the 14th. The Stuck in Time Band will be playing great music. There will also be prizes, BBQ, raffles, vendors & fun for the day. Hope you all can make it so we can help our Veteran Heroes at the NH Veterans Home in Tilton. Cagers are welcome!!
Registration begins at 9:00am Run begins at 10:00am $20/Rider, $10/Passenger & Walk-Ins
We’ll give you more info as time gets closer. We would luv to have at least 100 bikes. As always, walk-ins/drive-ins are always welcome!! PLEASE, INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS/FAMILY.
If you could donate prizes or want your company to be a T-shirt sponsor (only $50) or even set up as a vendor, just let any of us on the committee know. Hope to see you there!!
Poker Run Committee
Linda Caldwell,, 520-8612
Dee Moore,, 622-1041
Bill Geary,, 781-844-5188
Fred Sanborn,, 785-4713