NHVH Cruise Night – 2018.08.02

Dear Cheryl & members of the Patriot Guard Riders,

I want to thank your group for helping make cruise night a huge success!!! It is because of people like you that we are able to host these events. You all helped to make it possible for us to bring out all of the residents that wanted to participate. Your group brought such great spirit to our event with your enthusiasm and helpful nature. It was such a pleasure having you all here. I write these thank you letters and it always feels difficult to convey the heartfelt appreciation I have for the generosity of people. There are so many things that would not be possible if not for the help of volunteers. You are such a great addition to our event and I hope we will see you all again next year, or sooner! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for what you do for the community and veterans in need!! You all have such a huge impact on making the lives of others better. The world would be a better place if there were more people like you. Thank you so much for all you do!!!!!!

Patty Copeland
Supervisor of volunteer activities
Direct Line 603-527-4449
E-mail patricia.copeland@nhvh.nh.gov

[embeddoc url=”https://nhpatriotguard.org/download/thank_you_letters/2018-08-02-NHVH-Cruise-Night-Thank-You-Letter.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]