Support the NH Veterans Home by donating to their Sunshine Cart. The Sunshine Cart provides a wide selection of personal care items to the residents at no cost to them.
Items Requested: Men’s Body Wash (Please no 2 in 1 or 3 in 1 products. The residents do not like them (delicate dry skin)). |
Please only the items listed! No powders of any type or individual use items such as hotel size.
** Dental Picks – Please this type only! |
Monetary donations to the NHVH Sunshine Cart can be made either by check to any of our members or via our PayPal (please note that it is for the NHVH Sunshine Cart). The NH Patriot Guard Riders delivers donations and items yearly to the NHVH around the holiday’s or sooner if enough donations are received.
For more information regarding the NHVH’s Resident Benefit Fund please visit ..